• Twitter高管持续流失 首席技术官亚当·梅辛格宣布将辞职

    12月21日消息,据《纽约时报》网站报道,Twitter的高管流失还在持续,该公司首席技术官亚当·梅辛格(AdamMessinger)周二宣布将辞职。上月Twitter首席运营官亚当·拜恩(AdamBain)也离开了公司。今年该公司的产品、工程和媒体团队高管都相继辞职。 梅辛格发表声明称:“在Twitter工作了5年后,我决定离开公司休息下。”他的退出再次使人们质疑Twitter高管团队的稳定性。该社交媒体公司一直难以吸引更多用户,同时又难以找到改善营收增长的方法。最近几个月,Twitter一直与有意收购者商谈出售自己,但与Salesforce.com的谈判最终没有达成协议。此后该公司一直削减成本,裁员和剥离部分业务。 Twitter首席财务官安东尼·诺托(AnthonyNoto)接管了首席运营官职务,该公司现在在寻找新的CFO。梅辛格在2011年加入Twitter,此前他在甲骨文工作。开始时他是从事工程基础设施的副总裁,后来转向负责应用开发,2013年成为首席技术官。过去的一年里,梅辛格被CEO杰克·多西赋予更多责任。 由于责任更大,他被授予了125万股限制性股票。他辞职后,Twitter的产品、设计和工程主管们将直接由多西领导。工程副总裁爱德华·霍(EdwardHo)将作为总经理接管工程责任,由多西直接领导。多西称:“我一直与工程和设计团队密切合作,确保我们是最快最好地告诉世界发生了什么的服务。” 在Twitter梅辛格的支持者赞扬他善于动脑,而反对者认为他不果断,有时没有采取足够具体措施作出改变。梅辛格没有说离职后做什么。一位熟悉他的人士称,他没有去其他社交网络如Facebook或Snapchat的打算。

    未分类 2016-12-22
  • Chief Technology Officer Adam Messinger announced his resignation

    Dec. 21, according to “The New York Times” website reported that the loss of executive Twitter is still continuing, the company’s chief technology officer Adam? Meisinge (AdamMessinger) announced on Tuesday to resign. Last month Twitter chief operating officer Adam Byrne (AdamBain) also left the company. This year the company’s product, engineering and media team executives have resigned. “After five years of working on Twitter, I decided to leave the company,” Maysinger said in a statement. “His exit has again raised questions about the stability of the Twitter executive team. The social media company has been difficult to attract more users, while difficult to find ways to improve revenue growth. In recent months, Twitter has been negotiating with potential buyers to sell themselves, but the final negotiations with Salesforce.com did not reach an agreement. Since then the company has been cutting costs, layoffs and divestiture part of the business. Twitter’s chief…

    未分类 2016-12-22